Free & Instant Domain Location Lookup Tool

Discover where any website is based using our Free Domain Location Lookup Tool. Quickly access detailed information about a website's physical location, gaining insights into its global presence.

Features of Our Domain Location Lookup Tool

Precise Location Data

Discover the Hosting Location of a Website or the Geographical Location of an IP Address.

Ownership Insights

Discover ownership details of domains and gain a comprehensive understanding of their online presence.

User-Friendly Interface

Our tool is designed for simplicity. Easily retrieve domain location data without technical expertise.

How Our Domain Location Tool Works?

  • Enter Domain

    Input the domain name you want to explore. Our tool retrieves its geographic details.

  • Initiate the Search

    Hit the "Enter" button to initiate the search. Our tool will swiftly scan databases for location data.

  • View Location Details

    Instantly access precise information about the physical whereabouts of the domain or IP address. Understand its global reach with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

It's a tool that helps you find the physical location of an IP address or website.

Enter the IP address or website, and the tool provides location details.

Our tool uses reliable databases to give accurate location information.

No, it only works for IP addresses or websites, not mobile devices.

Yes, our Location Lookup Tool is free of charge.

No, it's designed to be user-friendly, so anyone can use it.